Learning to Carry On

As the time for starting school came nearer, each year, I would usually have one of two feelings that would assail me. I always looked forward to summer, and to the lifting of that schedule that had become to feel more like a straitjacket. But, after a summer of “freedom”, I really looked forward to that familiar schedule, and to the paper and pencils, books and cups of tea or hot chocolate. I love “school”, and the first months of school in the fall are both hard work, and lots of fun. You work hard — with fresh motivation and energy, and you can look forward to at least two holidays that will break up the monotony.

After several years of homeschooling, however, I began to have whiffs of the straitjacket feeling, even as I looked forward to a new and fresh fall. My memory was not so selective, so those little feelings would intrude…the hard work of last year was still fresh after 10 weeks of doing other things.

I think I was just growing up. The work is hard; the hours are long; and sometimes the rewards are few. It takes godly stamina to continue doing a good job under those circumstances — and this was the crucible in which the Lord was training me. I am thankful He did not let me crumble at the many points at which I felt like throwing in the towel.

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