Flying Days!

Well, it’s happened again — a summer is rapidly slipping away, and I’ve still lots to accomplish before it is over. Thoughts like that have me hyper-ventilating when I wake up, and I need even more the blessed grace of the Lord to calm me down.

MY summer has been packed, and when I say that I mean it figuratively and literally! Not only has there been lots to do [like Cousins Camp, for instance] but also the Lord graciously answered our prayers for a buyer for our house, and so the last 6-8 weeks I have been packing up 31 years of collection! It has been crazy! Tom and I need to move to a smaller house — one that is a little closer to our children.

It does remind me, however, of those summers when I was gardening [have to teach the kids, don’t we?], putting up food, and trying to instill new skills into the kids for more help the following school year…NOT TO MENTION trying to get in a little slack time while we didn’t have to pound the books so hard! Whew! Makes me tired to think about it.

You still have time. Take a few deep breaths; look at your “to-do” list and prioritize once again; PRAY about it; and begin again to make your home the most blessed place on earth for your husband and kids. I’m doing that too!!

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