Finishing Strong

To echo Priscilla’s post, I also come from a family that makes commitments and that likes to think they can follow through on them.  :> So here’s another go round for me on the mother’s homeschooling blog after a brief break to regroup in my own home school!  I also love the countdown until the end of the year. I love making lists and seeing all those things checked off. It is a satisfying thing to be over the hump. Although being this far along in the year can also mean you are teaching more difficult material: not just simple sentences but paragraphs, not just reading chapters on a world war but pulling together the culminating project to recap the material. This can require some motivation to follow through. If you are discouraged and thinking it it not worth it to finish the book, page through some of the past science units with your kids and then cheer them on when they remember facts from last fall: “Yes, lobsters really can go a year without eating in a cold tank! Good memory!” Or “Wow, your writing skills have improved so much since September when you were agonizing over that simple recap on dolphins for our flap book!”.  They will be reminded of the small baby steps that have summed up to some big milestones in learning and you will be encouraged to press on!

It is worth to push to the finish line. I counted today with my girls when they were losing heart about math assignments and found we have 12 or 13 weeks left of school – that is 65 classroom days! WE CAN DO IT. The Lord tells us to do “all things heartily as unto the Lord, and not to man.” Encourage your kids to finish strong and then relish those summer months with a relaxing study in art or classical music that you never got to during the year!

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